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Our high-quality dental implant solutions can get you back to loving your smile and enjoying life to the fullest.

Sedation Implant

U.S. Practicing Experts

A team of experienced dentists, with longstanding experience in the United States, has united to provide dental care to Kaohsiung.


Alternative solution to CPAP for Obstructive Sleep Apena (OSA)

CPAP tying you down?




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Half a year ago, I came to Park One Dental Clinic for a routine consultation. After cleaning of my teeth, the dentist found that I had symptoms of periodontal disease, so she suggested a course of treatment for the gum disease. At first, I thought that symptoms of periodontal disease could be treated at home by myself. Whether it was changing the type of toothpaste or the size of the toothbrush...etc.  But after a detailed explanation and evaluation by the dentist, I decided to receive treatment at the clinic, ranging from the dental cleaning to improving gingival recessions, to reducing root exposures. The pockets became tighter. During the treatment, the dentist continued to make a thorough wound cleaning. She also used self-paid ointment to improve the original tooth damage from 7 to 3-4. My tooth condition has also recovered smoothly and greatly improved. Brushing my teeth has not been uncomfortable so far.

L. S. Huang, 2022

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I came to Park One Dental Clinic for periodontal treatment because my teeth were mobile.  After a course of periodontal treatment, my teeth became firmer, and I can now chew better. I like dental services provided at Park One Dental because the treatment result was good and customer service is very good.

W. W. Lee, 2022

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I have had the problem of bleeding gums for a long time. I always thought it was caused by tooth decay or brushing too hard. When I went to see the dentists at Park One Dental for the first time because of the constant pain on my teeth, I found out that it was caused by periodontal disease instead. I was informed that my gum would  continue to shrink due to periodontal issue if the problem persists. Fortunately, Dr. Juan told me these reasons and provided periodontal treatment in separate stages and visits to lessen my dentalphobia with pain. She was really patient and told me that after the treatment, I need to keep flossing to maintain the teeth clean.


Now my periodontal health is back to normal, and no longer seeing a gulp of blood after brushing my teeth every morning. I am really grateful to the dental team at Park One Dental!

C. Y. Lin, 2022

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Get in Touch

No. 48, Fumin Rd., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City 813365

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No. 48, Fumin Rd.,

Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City 813365

Contact Info

(07) 557-1088

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Family members taking a selfie
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